Phil Rypz – Social Media Millionaire

Copy my business 1:1 for you

Make $10K/month with a faceless Instagram Page in just 90 days...

… proven by more than 1,100+ successful student case studies, all of whom started with NO experience and NO followers

Let me show you how...

To not be anxious anymore when you check your account balance or bills...

but to be able to make your dreams and goals possible without working 12h/day.

The real "Laptop Lifestyle"

…what would be your first choice, the luxury villa on your dream beach, a quiet and deserted hut in nature or maybe the penthouse with a view of the city lights? Faceless Instagram pages make it possible.

To make your loved ones happy and to fulfill every dream...

…experience these special moments of happiness together with your family. Success tastes best if shared.

Something that doesn't only make you money...

but also something you enjoy doing. Something that you can structure and setup how you want it. Not your “boss”.

To finally be able to organize your time freely and no longer work when others ask you to...

…the only person that can make your schedule and that you have to please is you.

Phil Rypz

: Who am I?

*And above all, what on earth gives me the right to want to show you how to achieve all these things?

“From Elite University, to Engineer, to Social Media Millionaire” … That’s what describes my last 5 years best.

The news channel News Desk wrote about me:

“Emerging as one of the finest talents in the social media world.” – the story of Phil Rypz

In 2018 I was still as an engineer in a small company in Germany. Bored. In debt. Nothing what I imagined my life would be like.

Just 5 years later, today, I managed to build up a passive monthly income of over $200,000 with faceless Instagram pages.

More than 10 Million followers on all of my brands, my personal brand at more than 600K and growing every day. 

And no, I’m not a superhero. I sucked at school. Almost failed high school!

Today I travel the world and work from wherever because I am financially, temporally and geographically free through my Instagram business .

Sounds interesting?

Then take a look at my free video training on the next page, in this training I will show you step by step how you can easily achieve this.

Click below and I’ll get you started right away.

Who is this all for?


Are you currently still employed and would you like to build up a second source of income or escape the hamster wheel?

Then the free training is just right for you!

freedom lovers

Would you like to earn more than average, work from anywhere and organize your working hours yourself?

Even then you are in the right place.


Is it important to you to enrich other people’s lives with your work and thus see a deeper meaning behind your work outside of money?

Then you’ve come to the right place.

self-employed and entrepreneurs

Our free training is also perfect for the self-employed or entrepreneurs who would like to build up another stream of income.


If you find yourself here, our training is made for you.

We have already successfully helped over 805+ people who are in a similar situation to yours. Verifiable.

So click on the button now and watch the free online training!

Who is this all for?


Are you currently still employed and would you like to build up a second source of income or escape the hamster wheel?

Then the free training is just right for you!

freedom lovers

Would you like to earn more than average, work from anywhere and organize your working hours yourself?

Even then you are in the right place.


Is it important to you to enrich other people’s lives with your work and thus see a deeper meaning behind your work outside of money?

Then you’ve come to the right place.

self-employed and entrepreneurs

Our free training is also perfect for the self-employed or entrepreneurs who would like to build up another stream of income.


If you find yourself here, our training is made for you.

We have already successfully helped over 1,100+ people who are in a similar situation to yours. Proof included.

So click on the button now and watch the free online training!

Copy my business 1:1 for you

A little foretaste of what to expect in my video training

(1) Step-by-step roadmap to success on Instagram

You will receive the step-by-step roadmap, with which over 805+ of my students are already generating a 6-figure yearly income with Instagram.

(2) The key to your digital products

Selling digital products that are not even yours and making $10K/month. (NOT AFFILIATE MARKETING!)

(3) Plug-N-Play System

I am not only gonna teach, but also give you a strategy that you can copy to almost immediately make money with faceless Instagram pages.

The success of our students is our top priority

Student Results


$18,000 as a newbie

Shea’s experience with Phil Rypz


$150,000+/month with Instagram

Andrew’s experience with Phil Rypz


6-figure IG Business from 0

Matt’s experience with Phil Rypz


$8,000 in 24 days

Olivia’s experience with Phil Rypz

Get started now!

As you can see, anyone can achieve these results.

You too!

Click on the button now and watch the free video training to get started right away. It is worth it .. Promised!

Facts about Phil Rypz & LPA Media

0 +
Successful participants
$ 0
Student earnings

“From 9-5 office work to millionaire”

However, I wasn't born with a golden spoon either, that's how my path began...

9th December 1991 Born & Raised by Immigrant Parents

My parents, who are originally from Poland, moved and raised me in Western Germany. I never grew up with a golden spoon in my mouth. Economic hardship was our daily life. 

Studying, studying... until I "made it"?

As I came from almost nothing, I did anything I could to be something.


After school I studied 7 years on Germany’s top engineering university until I finally landed what was, what I thought, a dream job. But 24/7 travelling, living in hotels and still on a 9-5 salary wasn’t fulfilling me…


Something was missing.

In 2018 I failed...

… I invested what I made with my engineering job and tried several small business ideas. While some, at least temporarily, generated some cash, nothing lasted and all my first ventures eventually failed.

In 2019 something changed.

Same job, same salary, same 24/7 hotel life for work.

Then, one day, I started my first Instagram business.

Follower by follower, page by page...

BOOM! My faceless Instagram pages started growing rapidly. And surprisingly soon and “easy”, they made me around $10K/month. My first taste of Freedom.

$32 Million at 29

In 2022/23 before I hit 30 years of age, all of my Instagram and social media agency business was valued at $32 Million US Dollars. I did it. 

In 2022 I fulfilled my dream and started my Van-life.

What’s money without freedom? In 2022 I started traveling 6 months with my girlfriend in a small red camping van.

Today, I teach people like you how to do the same.

I don’t wanna be a speaker. I am not an influencer. No YouTuber, Streamer, or TikToker. I am here to show you how you can make $10K, and easily more, per month, with faceless Instagram pages.

Conclusion: Anyone can do it.

I am grateful that I walked this path and made all these mistakes.

Because that’s the only way I can now help many other people to follow the same path, only without all the setbacks and mistakes.

So I’ll show you the shortcut.

And now it’s your turn.

If I can do it, so can you. Really.

Take a look at my free training now and write your own story.

I’ll teach you everything you need to get started making money on Instagram TODAY…

your way to success

These are your next steps

Watch video training

Take a close look at the free video training. There you will learn from me exactly what you need to do to build a successful Instagram business.


I am going to, literally, show you how to copy-paste my strategies that made me an Instagram multi-millionaire.


If you implement my instructions, which can be copied 1:1, you will have your financial breakthrough in the first 60-90 days.
My students and I have proven that this works.

Let's create your dream life together now.

I’ll show you exactly how to do it with step-by-step instructions.

If you don’t act now, the only thing standing in the way of your success is you.

I look forward to seeing you in my training. Let’s do this, together!

To your success,

You are just one step away from your first profitable Instagram business...

… Please leave us your best e-mail address so that we can send you further important information and student results.

* 100% free